Weekly Charity PUPdate - April Week 2

Greetings Doggo Lovers,

It’s Jesse, your Charity Coordinator at We Love Doggos! Spring is my favorite time of the year; who doesn’t love fresh flowers and baby animals?

This past holiday weekend, we received the most heartwarming news…

Do you remember Pizza? She was a doggo we rescued in March on our vaccination mission down in Ensenada, Mexico.

Get those tissues ready; here is the video of her running into our volunteers’ arms:

This sweet lady was suspected to be pregnant and we quickly transported her to safety and medical services to attend to her needs in San Diego, California.

Pizza went into foster care just two short weeks after being rescued and we are SO excited to share about this special delivery with you all.


Mama Pizza is happy and healthy, as are all her babies! Her foster mama named them and we thought it was too cute not to share! 

The boys are Meatball, Roma, and Napoli and the girls are Siena, Venice, and MilanWe will be tracking their health status and adoption success to share with you all.

Our team here at We Love Doggos will do anything we can for them to have the slice of life they deserve!

Congratulations, Pizza!!

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