Mission: Shot of Love - Vaccinating And Saving Doggos In Mexico

Our community efforts at The Animal Pad are already paying off! 

We Love Doggos Hero Club will be sponsoring a mission down to Baja California, Mexico to vaccinate as many doggos as PAWsible! San Diego, California is only an hour from Baja California, Mexico. 

This makes transport and vaccination missions could be more frequent. Just one dose of a vaccine can increase a street doggos chance of survival by 70%.

So…what are we protecting them against, you might be asking? 

Some of the most common are rabies and distemper vaccinations. Rabies in doggos can lead to paralysis, extreme difficulty breathing and swallowing, and aggression (PetMD, 2018). One bite from a rabid dog can be fatal if a doggo isn’t protected.

Distemper is a little less commonly known; it is an airborne disease that causes fever, malnutrition, fatigue, seizures, and more. The saddest part? Female doggos can carry distemper to their puppies, giving them no chance without the proper counteractive medicine (Burke, 2016).

In their last vaccine mission, The Animal Pad was able to help 250 doggos with $3,000.00 of funding

Well Hero Club, thank you! Together, your support will help 250 more to not only survive, but live their lives to the fullest. 

We’re setting dates for travel now and will have updates in the coming weeks.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.


Burke, Anna. “American Kennel Club.” American Kennel Club, 15 Nov. 2016, www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/distemper-in-dogs/.

PetMD. “Rabies in Dogs | PetMD.” Petmd.com, 19 Nov. 2018, www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/neurological/c_multi_rabies.

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