The Award for the "Best Welcome Home Committee" goes to...Dogs! (21 Photos)

by We Love Doggos on July 05, 2022

Nothing beats seeing your dog when you come home from a long and stressful day at the office. They are more than happy to see you right away no matter how long you've been gone!

At We Love Doggos, it's our mission to protect and advocate for companion dogs, as well as to develop a community dedicated to strengthening the human-animal bond. These adorable friends below prove that time and distance is not enough to stop them from looking forward to seeing you. Scroll down below to see how stoked doggos can get when their human comes home!

Images & Article courtesy of Cuteness

Without further ado, let's get into the cute and heartwarming story!

1. Will Not Stay Still Until You Open The Door.

2. Just Look At Those Eyes!

3. No Jump Too Scary For A Much Awaited Reunion.

Image Credit: Cuteness


4. Peek-A-Boo.

5. That's What They Call Happy Feet.

Image Credit: Cuteness

6. There's No Better Feeling Than Seeing Your Pup Run Like This When You Come Home.

7. Tails And Feet In Sync With Excitement!

8. It's The Flapping Ears For Me.


Image Credit: Shibabear via Tumblr

10. "The Stairs Are Too Long So I'll Take The Shortcut..."

11. When Your Pup Is Excited To Greet You But Also Takes The Stairs Seriously.

Image Credit: Cuteness

12."You're Not Gonna Believe What I Did Today!"

How many of them deserved to live and be loved? 100... Not one hundred dogs. One hundred PERCENT... ALL. THE. DOGS.

We launched our charity based on a mutual family passion for animal rescue. In 2016, our family adopted Ellie Pickles, a special needs pup from Bideawee Animal Shelter. We found not only a new best friend, but we discovered a passion for dog rescue as well. Our lives were changed forever when we discovered how precious each of these shelter dogs were... We wish we could have brought them all home. Instead, we searched for the best way to help dogs across the nation not only survive, but to thrive.

This is our fight. This is why we exist. To Save All The Dogs.

We stand to protect and advocate for companion dogs in need and to build a human community that promotes compassion and seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond. 

Images & Article courtesy of Cuteness

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