Top 5 Reasons to Rescue Your New Best Friend

Rescuing a doggo is a daunting task for many that consider it. The fear and uncertainty can easily creep into your thoughts: what if my dog isn’t trained? What if they don’t get along with others? “What if’s” will haunt you… if you let them. 

We have good news for you: rescuing an animal is one of the most rewarding things you can do! If you’re lucky, you find yourself with a treasured family member that will be a catalyst for some amazing adventures to come.

The newest member of my family, Delilah, was rescued in October of 2022 from Australian Shepherd Rescue of Colorado. While it took her two weeks to warm up to us, I can confidently say that she is settled and so joyous now that she knows she’s safe with us. 

Here’s a photo of Delilah (or Dee-Dee, as we now call her) and Ellie Pickles, both of which are animal shelter alumni.

Delilah’s 2nd birthday was this past week, and in honor of her rescue, here are our top five reasons why rescuing is the ticket to a heckin’ good future pet.

1. A rescue doggo needs you more than any other doggo. By rescuing, you are saving a life. You are saving the pet you adopt and freeing up room in the shelter for another one to get their chance!

2. You will find yourself with a doggo that has a community resources already! The shelters across the country are an excellent way to get tips and information for your pet. This is especially helpful for new dog PAWrents- developing relationships that will come in handy for the rest of your dogs life. As an added bonus, you are contributing to the future success of your community animal shelter and deterring from overpopulated dog breeding facilities.

3. Your doggo will already have a unique personality. Remember the “Island of Misfit Toys” in Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer? The misfits are the most special because they are one of a kind. When you go to a shelter, you get a wide variety of doggo’s that already have a story. You might be their best chapter yet.

4. The cost of getting your new best friend is exceedingly less! The photos of the pick of the litter puppies are to die for, but there is a price tag that comes with it. If you’re determined in your search, you can get the doggo of your dreams for a lower price and an even higher value. Shelter pups come with an added perk: they’re loyalty and gratitude for their new home with you is PRICELESS.

5. You’ll learn one of life’s greatest lessons with your rescue pup: selflessness. Rescuing a dog is a lifelong commitment. Whether your doggy is quick to snuggle or takes a few months to warm up to your family, if you’re patient, you’ll reap the benefits of watching them grow and change for the better. And we promise…you will too.

Need more information? Check out our favorite books and podcasts about rescue doggos below!

Rescue Dogs: Where They Come From, Why They Act the Way They Do, and How to Love Them Well by Pete Paxton, Gene Stone
Animal Rescue of the Week Podcast: The Animal Rescue Professionals Association
Pawprint | animal rescue podcast for dog, cat, and other animal lovers

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