Skidboot, The Most Amazing Dog You'll Ever See

by We Love Doggos on August 10, 2022

Meet Skidboot, the most amazing dog you'll ever see.

Skidboot is a Blue Healer, and at first glance is just like other dogs, but he is definitely not like most other dogs. David Hartwig, Skidboot's owner, discovered his unique talent almost by accident when he was just a puppy. He could give commands and Skidboot would follow them to the letter. Once these two explored this new found talent, it opened up a whole new world for the duo.

Skidboot was an amazing doggo, and unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge in 2007. He was an inspiration and gave joy to millions worldwide. David continues to honor Skidboot's memory by training and performing with several of Skidboot's offspring.

Did you find this amazing? Let us know in the comments below.

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by Karen King on August 18, 2022

Wonderful, powerful story of Skidboot. You’re just not much of a human if you watch such a journey and are not be moved by it!!! With best regards, Sir, karen

by Laura Zufan on August 12, 2022

I am so glad that Skidboot came into your life. You both had to find each other and bring such happiness into each other’s life. This is such a ❤ heart warming story. I love all animals and have rescued all the dogs that I have had. They all need forever homes. They love us unconditionally. Hope you always have a loving dog in your life. You deserve to share your love for dogs.

by Dianne Baldwin on August 11, 2022

Blessed are those who Love Dog’s,,for they shall never be Lonely. The Love between this Man and This precious Skidboot is what it’s all about,, I mean this is what I like to see.. What a gift,,,you know there should be more people in this world like this man,, My heavens we would all be happier and safer ,, put the guns away and Love dogs….What Greater Gift then the Love of a Dog… Wonderful story ,,Dianne Baldwin

by Christina on August 11, 2022

I remember when I first heard about Skidboot along time ago. He was incredible then and just as incredible watching the video. Thank you for sharing!

by joan nass on August 11, 2022

This was so heart warming. Love from a dog is amazing and they don’t ask for anything in return.

by Jackie Sherbert on August 11, 2022

I love ALL dogs. I don’t like people that mistreat people and animals. There are some horrible people out there. I think they should be punished to the highest degree.


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